Osteopathic Master Class
Andrew has the following two day seminars as part of an Osteopathic Master Class Series
Master Class One
Osteopathic Practice Management – A Recipe for Success
Treating Low Back Pain - An Evidence-Based Approach
There are currently no dates planned for this course for 2020
Master Class Two
Treating Neck and Shoulder Pain - An Evidence Based Approach
Clinical Ergonomics and Workplace Assessment
There are currently no dates planned for this course for 2020
Osteopathic Master Class
Andrew has the following two day seminars as part of an Osteopathic Master Class Series
Master Class One
Osteopathic Practice Management – A Recipe for Success
Treating Low Back Pain - An Evidence-Based Approach
There are currently no dates planned for this course for 2020
Master Class Two
Treating Neck and Shoulder Pain - An Evidence Based Approach
Clinical Ergonomics and Workplace Assessment
There are currently no dates planned for this course for 2020
Comments received from attendees of the Master Classes:
Very satisfied, enjoyed current literature and best practice protocols. Course was good and very informative
Very easy to listen to and lots of up to date information.
I enjoyed the content of the lectures and the lecturers knowledge
I would like to pass on to the OSNZ my gratitude for this course. I found it to be really informative, a great weekend.
The best course I have attended since I graduated in 1987. Extremely informative, really, really good.
Good material, very re-assuring holistic approach to patient care. Andrew is dynamic
Liked having access to up to date research. Good use of case studies
Great! Very enjoyable, more like this please
“The best course I have attended since I graduated in 1990”
Great to have such an evidence based approach, dealing with facts rather than suppositions
Thanks again for a great Masterclass over the weekend.
I'm just writing to say thank you for a fantastic informative weekend! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I wished that I had done 2 years ago straight after graduating.
Hello Andrew, I really enjoyed your seminar on the weekend. A lot of useful information. Hopefully you will be out presenting your second masterclass shortly.
In 2013 Andrew attended the most recent research conferences - Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Seoul and Symposium on the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis in Dubai. In 2015 he attended the International ergonomics symposium, in Melbourne (over 1000 papers!)The Masterclasses are regularly presented in NZ and Australia, and have also been held in England, Scotland, Greece, Germany and the Czech Republic.
"Thank you so much for presenting such a fantastic course at Murrayshall Hotel (Perth, Scotland) Andrew-and for agreeing to let us use your presentations and documents."
Andrew Wilson graduated from British College of Osteopathy and Naturopathy in 1981 (now British College of Osteopathic Medicine) and has been in private practice in Tauranga, New Zealand since 1982. His clinic has completed over 300,000 treatments and he has mentored over 50 osteopaths.
Andrew has written 2 books for the general public: “Are You Sitting Comfortably?” and “The Complete Guide to Good Posture at Work”. He has written one text book “Effective Management of Musculoskeletal Injury”published by Churchill Livingstone. He is currently researching a second edition of this book. Andrew is a very experienced practitioner and experienced lecturer to general public and professional audiences, throughout New Zealand and in Europe.
Seminar programme:
Seminar 1
Day 1 Osteopathic Practice Management Master Class
Day 2 Low Back and Pelvic Pain
Seminar 2
Day 1 Neck and Shoulder Pain
Day 2 Clinical Ergonomics and Work Place Assessment
In the event you wish to withdraw from a seminar we will provide credit toward a future date at no additional cost. Registration is open to all osteopaths. Osteopathic students or other health professionals will be considered on request. Course fees do not include lunch or accommodation, but do include morning and afternoon tea and comprehensive course material. Please click here to go to our registration page if you would like to attend.
Start and Finish Times: Registration for the courses will begin at 8-30 am and finish at 5.pm.
If you, your peer group or osteopathic organisation are interested in hosting the Master Class seminars we would be delighted to hear from you.
Continued Professional Education: Applications have been approved by OCNZ for 14 category 1 CPD credits for each Master Class 1 and 2.
Very satisfied, enjoyed current literature and best practice protocols. Course was good and very informative
Very easy to listen to and lots of up to date information.
I enjoyed the content of the lectures and the lecturers knowledge
I would like to pass on to the OSNZ my gratitude for this course. I found it to be really informative, a great weekend.
The best course I have attended since I graduated in 1987. Extremely informative, really, really good.
Good material, very re-assuring holistic approach to patient care. Andrew is dynamic
Liked having access to up to date research. Good use of case studies
Great! Very enjoyable, more like this please
“The best course I have attended since I graduated in 1990”
Great to have such an evidence based approach, dealing with facts rather than suppositions
Thanks again for a great Masterclass over the weekend.
I'm just writing to say thank you for a fantastic informative weekend! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I wished that I had done 2 years ago straight after graduating.
Hello Andrew, I really enjoyed your seminar on the weekend. A lot of useful information. Hopefully you will be out presenting your second masterclass shortly.
In 2013 Andrew attended the most recent research conferences - Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Seoul and Symposium on the Lumbar Spine and Pelvis in Dubai. In 2015 he attended the International ergonomics symposium, in Melbourne (over 1000 papers!)The Masterclasses are regularly presented in NZ and Australia, and have also been held in England, Scotland, Greece, Germany and the Czech Republic.
"Thank you so much for presenting such a fantastic course at Murrayshall Hotel (Perth, Scotland) Andrew-and for agreeing to let us use your presentations and documents."
Andrew Wilson graduated from British College of Osteopathy and Naturopathy in 1981 (now British College of Osteopathic Medicine) and has been in private practice in Tauranga, New Zealand since 1982. His clinic has completed over 300,000 treatments and he has mentored over 50 osteopaths.
Andrew has written 2 books for the general public: “Are You Sitting Comfortably?” and “The Complete Guide to Good Posture at Work”. He has written one text book “Effective Management of Musculoskeletal Injury”published by Churchill Livingstone. He is currently researching a second edition of this book. Andrew is a very experienced practitioner and experienced lecturer to general public and professional audiences, throughout New Zealand and in Europe.
Seminar programme:
Seminar 1
Day 1 Osteopathic Practice Management Master Class
- Understanding the injury process
- Developing a model for injury management
- Why Placebo is your friend!
- Developing an effective treatment plan
- What works and why? – an evidence based review
- Are you an effective practitioner? - Tools for patient management
- Tools for managing chronic pain
Day 2 Low Back and Pelvic Pain
- Understanding epidemiology and injury processes
- Simple LBP Complex LBP
- LBP Evidence based review of effective prevention, treatment and management
- Managing disc problems and spinal stenosis
- Pelvic pain
- Exercise rehabilitation
- STarT screening tool
Seminar 2
Day 1 Neck and Shoulder Pain
- A review of anatomy epidemiology and injury processes
- An evidence based review of prevention, treatment and management
- Whiplash and other complications
- Vertigo, migraine, and headaches
- Manipulation – analysis of risk/benefit
- Exercise rehabilitation
- Side effects of manual therapy
Day 2 Clinical Ergonomics and Work Place Assessment
- Developing a comprehensive injury model
- Understanding multi-factorial cause
- The role of posture
- Understanding injury physiology and chronicity
- Managing the cause of injury – review of epidemiology
- Rehabilitation.
- Work place assessments – principles and practical
In the event you wish to withdraw from a seminar we will provide credit toward a future date at no additional cost. Registration is open to all osteopaths. Osteopathic students or other health professionals will be considered on request. Course fees do not include lunch or accommodation, but do include morning and afternoon tea and comprehensive course material. Please click here to go to our registration page if you would like to attend.
Start and Finish Times: Registration for the courses will begin at 8-30 am and finish at 5.pm.
If you, your peer group or osteopathic organisation are interested in hosting the Master Class seminars we would be delighted to hear from you.
Continued Professional Education: Applications have been approved by OCNZ for 14 category 1 CPD credits for each Master Class 1 and 2.